Aje gave light to the war of the city
Aje gave the light to the boa
Aje you gave the light to Onipasan owere
He went to the madman’s house and made him rich
He went to the crazy man’s house and made him a character
Aye, I greet you, the last one who arrived among the Orisas
Aje, eat banana fruit in Ifá so that you can come with one
Aje please, come to me, stay with me and do not leave me
IWURE AJE — Prayer for Wealth (From Ejiogbe)
Oji ni kutukutu mokun ola dani
Olomo siju pee wole Aye loruko IFA
Eni ti o ba siju rere re wo nii lowo
IFA kio siju rere re woo mi ki nlowo…
He who robes the child to befit the child
He who robes the child with the utmost of care
The one who wakes early in the morning, holding the robes of prosperity
The one who looks after the Earth is the name of IFA
Whoever you look to with your eye of compassion is blessed with prosperity
IFA, please look at me with compassion and let me be blessed with riches…
IFA, please look at us with your compassion and let us be blessed with riches! Ase Ase Ase O!
Ire O
Iwure AJE