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About us !

Our mission is to build a community network of residents, businesses, services and town administration that collaborates on creative and innovative community projects. Our goal is to have fun, build community relationships and broaden our resources, so all Ọmọ Oódua can contribute to improving its quality of life and sense of being.
To help our Project (Donation), you can send a token to Paypal ID:


Enables people and members of his/her community to formally or informally broadcast, discuss and assess a wide range of issues relevant to their work, Education & Lifestyle. Accelerates development activities and decision-making. Improves life quality by capturing “life threatening issues” directly in the context of messaging via FB,BB or SMS and to clearly communicate concerns and route for resolution.


We are looking for people to join our network, to create fun, social events and activities within the neighborhood. The goal is to create a friendly environment among members, making the neighborhood safer and more enjoyable.

By having members of the community network active in our neighborhood and the community, we provide a vital link between neighbors and members of the community. The communication that flows within the network will allow us to be more aware and responsive to the needs of Ọmọ Oódua, and will give us the ability to collaborate on finding and implementing solutions that improve our quality of life.


Ọmọ Oódua desire to preserve and enhance an established Yoruba culture neighborhood, while promoting compatible development of opportunities, Ideas to help re-shape daily catastrophe that befalls the Human Condition. Ọmọ Oódua envision a future that accommodates improvements and new development in a manner that maintains a business character, Philanthropy among Ọmọ Oódua, relaxed lifestyle of the established neighborhood and respects existing Ideas or community character elements. Public and private improvements should be well planned and designed, such that infill and new development serve to strengthen and unify Ọmọ Oódua.

The forum mix of idea uses, including a variety of networking, Residential and Get-together distinguishes the forum from its surrounding areas. While enhancements to the forum will ensure that the activities and impacts of Members of the forum, Public and private issues are better accommodated and managed, retaining the community’s diversity of idea uses will assure that the community’s character is not lost.
Please note that being an Ọmọ Oódua Rere does not mean your must be a Yoruba, Igbo or Hausa…

Naturally,  anyone that posses the basic human Characteristic which includes Love, respect one another, free from crime and have religious tolerance to everyone around is automatically designated as an Ọmọ Oódua Rere and it does not matter what part of the world  the person is currently residing. Also note that Ọmọ Oódua is not affiliated to any Polical group or militancy.


Creating a Social network system such that Ọmọ Oódua can help each other in way someone in Sokoto, Calabar or Enugu, seeking Job transfer information in Lagos or Abuja can get adequate information thru this medium.
Copy and Past any Job Advertisement, both home and abroad to help members of the community.


Short time housing accommodation for Ọmọ Oódua Rere should continue to co-exist between members willing to relocate to another city or state provided there is job opportunity in the new location. In addition, enough information about housing should be provided so that area workers can live within close proximity to their jobs.


Meetings among members of the forum should continue to co-exist, social meetings,party, business and main purpose is to discuss how to help each other or re-solve issues.

“There is Value in People who have the power to change things”.
Communities have the capacity to succeed
1. Ọmọ Oódua are connected to each other.
2. Member of the community has an identity and a clear vision of what it wants to be.
3. Members come together to discuss and solve problems.
4. The community has opportunities and places to gather and celebrate.
5. High levels of civic engagement may or may not co-exist.
6. Community members have the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve personal growth and satisfaction and contribute to the Forum

– Communities are welcoming to all and community members support and care for one another
1. Members assume responsibility for one another and ensure that all are nourished, sheltered, safe, and cared for.
2. All community members are respected and respectful.
3. The community’s children live in a safe, supportive environment and have a healthy start, ongoing relationships with caring adults, a high-quality education, and opportunities for meaningful work – including service to their community.

– Communities are sustainable
1. Community thrives economically.
2. Community offer jobs with working conditions that are safe and respectful, and that allow people to care and provide for themselves and their families.
3. Working Class and community should be recognized as interdependent.
4. Arts,Cultures and humanities flourish.

To help our Project, you can send a token to Paypal ID:
Google Plus: Ọmọ Oódua Rere

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